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Hướng dẫn học ngữ pháp tiếng anh luyện thi TOEIC – Unit 34: Would – Học hay

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Ngữ pháp tiếng anh luyện thi TOEIC – Unit 34: Would – HocHay

Dùng để diễn tả thì Tương lai trong quá khứ (future in the past) hay trong các loại câu điều kiện (Loại 2 và 3), đôi khi thay thế cho will để tạo ra câu trang trọng và lịch sự hơn. Would cũng được sử dụng để thể hiện yêu cầu hoặc xin lời khuyên ý kiến 1 cách lịch sự.

– Thì tương lai trong quá khứ (Future in the past)

  • He said he would send the information to me, but I didn’t receive anything.
    (Anh ta nói anh ta sẽ gửi thông tin cho tôi, thế mà tôi chẳng nhận được cái gì hết)
  • He would have bought this laptop if he had known our store earlier.
    (Anh ta chắc đã mua cái laptop này nếu anh ta biết tới cửa hàng của chúng ta sớm hơn)

– Sự chắc chắn, dự đoán trong quá khứ (Likelihood – Certainty)

  • I saw a familiar face in the crowd this morning. That would be Louis.
    (Tôi nhìn thấy 1 gương mặt quen thuộc trong đám đông sáng nay. Đó chắc hẳn là Louis)

– Thể hiện sự mong muốn (Desires) (đi kèm với động từ like hoặc care)

  • would like to go out with you tonight.
    (Anh rất muốn hẹn hò với em tối nay)

– Dùng kèm với that để đưa ra tình huống giả định hoặc hy vọng điều gì đó đúng

  • Would that I won the lottery.
    (Ước gì tao trúng số)

– Đưa ra/hỏi ý kiến 1 cách lịch sự (Polite opinions) (sử dụng với động từ think hoặc expect)

  • would expect that he will change his mind.
    (Tao hy vọng là cậu ấy sẽ thay đổi ý kiến)
  • What would you go in Sai Gon at the weekend?
    (Cậu sẽ đi đâu ở Sài Gòn vào cuối tuần?)

–  Hỏi lý do vì sao (Asking reason why)

  • Why would you lie to me?
    (Tại sao anh lại lừa dối em?)

– Nếu dùng I hoặc we là chủ ngữ thì câu hỏi thường được sử dụng như 1 cách hùng biện, rằng câu lời buộc tội hoặc câu nói đó là sai, vô căn cứ

  • Why would I lie to you about that?
    (Tại sao anh lại phải nói dối em chứ?)

– Dùng trong cấu trúc S (ngôi thứ 2,3) + would be wise/smart to do something để đưa ra lời khuyên 1 cách lịch sự

  • I think you would be wise to tell hime the truth in the first place.
    (Bạn nên nói sự thật với anh ta ngay từ đầu)

Bài tập Ngữ pháp tiếng anh luyện thi TOEIC – Unit 34: Would – HocHay

A Write sentences about yourself. Imagine things you would like or wouldn’t like.

1 (a place you’d love to live) I’d love to live by the sea.

2 (a job you wouldn’t like to do)…………………….

3 (something you would love to do)…………………….

4 (something that would be nice to have)…………………….

5 (a place you’d like to go to)…………………….

B Complete the sentences using would + the following verbs (in the correct form):

be           be           do           do           enjoy    enjoy    have      stop


1 They helped us a lot. I don’t know what we would have done without their help.

2 You should go and see the film. I think you ……………it.

3 It’s a pity you couldn’t come to the party last night. You…………… it.

4 Shall I apply for the job or not? What ……………you……………in my position?

5 I was in a hurry when I saw you. Otherwise I ……………to talk.

6 We took a taxi home last night, but got stuck in the traffic. It…………… quicker to walk.

7 Why don’t you go and see Clare? She ……………very pleased to see you.

8 In an ideal world, everybody ……………enough to eat.

C Each sentence on the right follows a sentence on the left. Which follows which?

1 I’d like to go to Australia one day.

2 I wouldn’t like to live on a busy road.

3 I’m sorry your trip was cancelled.

4 I’m looking forward to going out tonight.

5 I’m glad we didn’t go out in the rain.

6 I’m not looking forward to the trip.

a It wouldn’t have been very nice.

b It would have been fun.

c It would be nice.

d It won’t be much fun.

e It wouldn’t be very nice.

f It will be fun.


D Write sentences using promised + would/wouldn’t.

1 I wonder why Laura is late. She promised she wouldn’t be late.

2 I wonder why Steve hasn’t called me. He promised……………….

3 Why did you tell Amy what I said? You……………….

4 I’m surprised they didn’t wait for us. They……………….

E Complete the sentences. Use wouldn’t + a suitable verb.

1 I tried to warn him, but he wouldn’t listen to me.

2 I asked Amanda what had happened, but she ……………….me.

3 Paul was angry about what I’d said and he ……………….to me for two weeks.

4 Martina insisted on carrying all her luggage. She ……………….me help her.

F Complete the sentences using would (section C). Choose from these verbs:

forget   shake    share     smile     stay        walk


1 Whenever Richard was angry, he would walk out of the room.

2 We used to live next to a railway line. Every time a train went past, the house ………………….

3 Katherine was always very generous. She didn’t have much, but she …………………what she had with everyone else.

4 You could never rely on Joe. It didn’t matter how many times you reminded him to do something, he …………………always………………… .

5 When we were children, we used to go to the beach a lot. We …………………there all day playing in the sand and swimming in the sea.

6 Lucy was always friendly. Whenever I saw her, she …………………always …………………and say hello.

Đáp án


Example answers:

2 I wouldn’t like to be a teacher.

3 I’d love to learn to fly a plane.

4 It would be nice to have a big garden.

5 I’d like to go to Mexico.


2 ’d enjoy / would enjoy

3 ’d have enjoyed / would have enjoyed

4 would you do

5 ’d have stopped / would have stopped

6 would have been

7 ’d be / would be

8 would have



2 e

3 b

4 f

5 a

6 d


2 He promised he’d call. / … he would call.

3 You promised you wouldn’t tell her. or … wouldn’t tell anyone/ anybody.

4 They promised they’d wait (for us). / … they would wait.


2 wouldn’t tell

3 wouldn’t speak

4 wouldn’t let


2 would shake

3 would share

4 would always forget

5 would stay

6 would always smile


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About Trúc Vy Hochay

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